Working With Children Check

There are many ways parents can be involved in the community of St John the Evangelist Catholic High School. Parents are always made welcome at school events and are encouraged to play an active role within the school.

The parent involvement form, which is distributed at Year 7 Parent Information Evenings is downloadable below. We encourage, and greatly appreciate parents who can give of their time to the school.

Parent Involvement Volunteers Form
School Induction-Volunteers and Child Protection Working with Students
School Volunteers with WWC
School Volunteers without WWC Declaration

Throughout the year Working Bees are held, and during these days various jobs are undertaken, these include: Painting, Morning tea preparation, Mowing/Lawn Edging/Whipper Snipping, Gardening/mulching/weeding, Book covering in the Library and General clean up.

It is expected that every family attends at least one Working Bee each year, so if you can give us a few hours of your time on the day it would be greatly appreciated, the more people helping the more work we can get done.

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Working with Children Check

Working with Children Check

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School lunch Online

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Student and Parent Portal



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